Beer Sessions Radio (TM)

Researching Beer History: 1898

Episode Summary

Jimmy welcomes Clay Risen and Theresa McCulla to the studio to discuss what beer Americans were drinking in 1898. Clay is Deputy Editor of The New York Times Opinion Page and the author of “The Crowded Hour: Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders, and the Dawn of the American Century.” Theresa McCulla is a beer historian at The Smithsonian, who is currently working to archive homebrewing and craft beer history for the museum. Together they talk about the first era of consolidation for American brewing, what styles of beer were popular at the time, and the ways in which beer shapes community and culture.

Episode Notes

Jimmy welcomes Clay Risen and Theresa McCulla to the studio to discuss what beer Americans were drinking in 1898. Clay is Deputy Editor of The New York Times Opinion Page and the author of “The Crowded Hour: Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders, and the Dawn of the American Century.Theresa McCulla is a beer historian at The Smithsonian, who is currently working to archive homebrewing and craft beer history for the museum. Together they talk about the first era of consolidation for American brewing, what styles of beer were popular at the time, and the ways in which beer shapes community and culture. 

Beer List:
Rothaus Pils

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